FLAT Tech. to eliminate the wobble in your existing tables with FLAT Equalizers® – Unveiled at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago, May 20-23, 2017
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Interbuild Integrates FLAT Technology into its "Jazz" and "Blues" Range of Wooden Tables — Providing Stable Dining Platforms for the World.
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Carlick Contract Furniture in partnership with FLAT produce the 'Wellington' self-stabilizing, wooden table base. No more wobbly tables.
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FLAT announces the launch of restaurant flip-top table bases for outdoor use.
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Table bases deliver on chain goals of improving the customer experience, consistent performance, ease of use and design flexibility
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FLAT Tech Inc., inventors and manufacturers of the world's only table bases that automatically stabilize tabletops and enable leveling with other tabletops announced its official launch into the U.S. hospitality market.
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